fredag den 30. september 2011

First post!

Welcome to the Out of the Ordinary short film blog!
Out of the Ordinary is a bachelor film being made by 8 students from The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark. It's a family comedy and will be made in 3D. Here we will update the progress of our production, so stay tuned. The film will be released late January/early February 2013.

The past few weeks we've been working on character design and developing the story. It's been quite a journey, and we've learned a lot.

So far, this is how the story goes:

John, a 49 year old man, is going through the same routines every day. He feels very suppressed by his overly cheerful boss, who has kept him working towards a promotion for too many years. John can’t figure out what the boss wants from him as he thinks he’s already working hard enough. After the boss almost breaks John’s most treasured belonging, a ship in a bottle, the computer and coffee machine come to life and decide that there is need for a change.

Here's some design explorations by the design team:



Coffee Machine



Overall Styleguide